IDM wins first place at the second edition of Innovation Day

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On Thursday 26 October 2017, the 2nd edition of Innovation Day was held with great success at the Mercedes-Benz Crema Diesel showroom, the event, organized by the Cosmeis Centre, dedicated to the world of Beauty and reserved for companies of excellence, Italian and international.

Insights into market trends, conferences, innovative projects, research and solutions to redesign the cosmetics supply chain of the near future. With the very clear objective of the President of the Cosmetics Hub, Matteo Moretti, to transform what is now a 'simple' beauty district into an extraterritorial cluster open to international markets. Objective shared with the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Crema, two of the interlocutors present.

The day concluded with the awarding of the Innovation Day Awards. Four companies were awarded, in first place IDM/ABB. IDM, for some time and successfully on the international cosmetics markets, thanks to profound know-how on products and factory processes and with constant research and application of enabling technologies, has identified ABB as one of the main partners for the application of solutions cutting-edge robotics. With the introduction of the Yumi robot, ABB has made it possible to expand the automation standards in cosmetics. IDM and ABB, together, won first prize at the Innovation Day Awards by creating YuFiller, the innovative system already compliant with the Industry 4.0 roadmap, for filling and assembling mascara bottles.

Pharmacos and Keyence are also on the podium.

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