Innovation Day 2022, this year's theme: ecological transition

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Innovation Day 2022 took place on Thursday 22 September, an event dedicated to operators in the cosmetics supply chain whose central theme was sustainability, specifically in terms of the circular economy.

IDM Automation also had the opportunity to participate in this edition, presenting its innovations and obtaining information on the most important issues and innovations in the cosmetics sector.

Sustainability now represents a focal point and the ecological transition it is becoming a prerogative for many companies. Not only because of the increasing regulations that are putting companies and the supply chain under pressure, but also because consumer needs have changed.

Today's consumer is more willing to sacrifice his wide range of choice and even spend more to purchase cosmetic products.

But only if you get something in return the guarantee of having purchased from a responsible brand towards the environment.

What consumers expect

The data collected by Cosmetics Italy and from our participation in Innovation Day, are in support of this thesis and show that in the last two years the attention towards the problem of pollution and climate change is of growing importance.

The consumer feels first and foremost responsible for the environmental consequences of their purchasing choices, which is why it matters a lot more informed about products and brands from which he decides to purchase.

The Italians' 50% proves willing to adopt a more careful and respectful conduct towards the environment. This translates into less use of plastic in daily life and also into the orientation towards purchasing from brands with strict environmental policies, even if this means paying more.

Nine out of ten consumers expect it transparency and sustainability of cosmetic products.

They appreciate more products and packaging made from recycled, recyclable and reusable material. Today's consumer is a circular consumer And packaging oriented, that is, it considers the packaging components of the cosmetic to be of primary importance.

In particular, small packaging is appreciated, where possible, and which has indications on the surface for the correct disposal of the product according to separate waste collection.

The benefits of the ecological transition for companies

According to various ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance - studies, the ecological transition represents a business accelerator for companies, it reduces costs and helps improve company turnover.

The shift in consumer purchasing reinforces the need for companies to increase their commitment to responsible business practices. More and more companies across all sectors have begun to operate with the aim of adopting the circular economy as a greater opportunity to drive business growth and competitiveness.

The trend towards using sustainable materials and practices has also been found in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. These sectors have made a focused effort to use sustainable materials.

How IDM Automation can help you

IDM Automation can help you and support you in the ecological transition.

We create innovative machines and systems capable of automating packaging production processes in any sector, be it cosmetics, but also pharmaceutical or food.

Automation guarantees an increase in productivity and at the same time a significant reduction in waste, thanks to the operational precision of the machines which allow human intervention to focus on more important issues.

Directly from the Italian Cosmetic Valley, Ivan Riboni, on the board of the Cosmetics Technology Center and CEO of IDM Automation - protagonist of the market for filling machines and assembly lines with a strong automation content - expresses great satisfaction with the event. “The innovations presented, the emphasis on the important issues of sustainability and the resumption of in-person relationships – the remote ones have never stopped – give us the necessary push and confidence in the future. We believe in the development and continuous innovation of the Italian cosmetic packaging industry, and we do not stop looking forward.”

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