Automated cooked cleaning

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Cleaning terracotta has always been a difficult process to automate; the accuracy of cleaning the product surface has always represented an obstacle for those who have tried to automate this phase of the process. We at IDM Automation for years we have overcome the obstacle through the implementation of anthropomorphic robots; the increasingly advanced features of the robots we use have allowed us to increasingly speed up and perfect the process, reaching ever higher levels of quality and performance.

cooking cleaning

Edge cleaning and surface cleaning:

When we talk about "cleaning terracotta" we must refer to two steps; edge cleaning and surface cleaning. Our MB-02 machine performs both phases with two distinct steps. The first phase is the cleaning of the edge which is carried out by means of the combined and simultaneous action of three 120° blades, which act with a settable pressure, on the edge of the terracotta rotated by a central support pin.

The second phase is the much more delicate one which concerns cleaning the surface of the terracotta. This phase is carried out by means of an anthropomorphic robot which, simulating what the operator performs manually, puts the surface of the piece in contact with a sponge. Based on the specific cleaning program created and recalled from the operator panel, the terracotta is cleaned on the sponge by exerting more or less pressure, rotated or cleaned with a linear movement. In particular cases however, the piece is cleaned using two different types of sponges; one more abrasive and one more delicate to obtain a perfectly smooth finish.

The advantages of automation in the cooked cleaning process

Cleaning the cooked means removing the jagged edge that is created during the pressing phase; cleaning the surface means giving the surface of the terracotta the brilliance and shine that are darkened during the cooking phase in the oven.

Cleaning of terracotta is often done manually. We at IDM Automation have designed a special machine, the MB-02 which intervenes in the two cleaning phases, following that of cooking in the oven. In traditional procedures, the operator uses a scraper to clean the edge and a special sponge to gently remove the dull surface. Our MB-02 is instead equipped with anthropomorphic robots who operate on the single piece exactly as the operator would do. The machine is capable of reaching a productivity of 1800 pieces/hour based on the format and product.

There are several advantages that can be gained by automating the cleaning process. First of all, work that can be alienating for the operator is eliminated; in this case, in fact, especially in single-color terracotta, manual skill does not represent an added value, unlike, for example, multi-color terracotta. Furthermore, thanks to automation it is possible to obtain a constant and objective result, i.e. not subject to the inevitable tiredness of the operator carrying out this phase.

Thanks to our MB-02 machine you will be able to reserve human intervention for those activities where manual skills can determine added value for your company and for the end customer.

Contact us for further information on our machines!

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