Automated filling for mascara

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Automated bottle filling has always been the core business of our company, so much so that the first machine we created was a mascara bottle filler. From the original MF-300, we then designed two other models, namely the MF-301 and the MF-302, with high technological value. However, we at IDM Automation have not stopped innovating and thanks to continuous research and development the new e-MF-302 was born, a full electric filling machine for plastic and glass bottles.

Automation in the cosmetics industry offers great benefits, and choosing to automate the bottle filling process can grow your business. In particular, mascara is the product most loved by women and therefore the best-selling make-up in the world, which is why it is important to keep up with demand and make the industrial filling process more efficient.

Types of mascara

There are various types of on the market mascara, such as waterproof, water-resistant mascara, lengthening, volumizing, curling and healing mascara, to treat fragile eyelashes. As for the colours, black is the classic colour, but it is also possible to find mascaras in brighter tones, such as blue, purple and green, or warmer ones such as brown. 

Regardless of the type and colour, the mascara is contained in plastic bottles and is applied to the upper and lower eyelashes using a brush - of the most varied shapes - made of synthetic fibers or silicone, incorporated into the cap.

automated mascara filling

Automation and mascara

The process of filling mascara bottles involves a series of phases that include loading the bottle into the machine and checking its correct orientation. Subsequently there is the actual phase of filling the bottle, inserting the wiper and loading the cap which incorporates the pipe cleaner. Finally, there are the stages of closing, unloading and weighing the bottle.

We at IDM Automation recognize the key role of automation in the process of filling and closing bottles, which is why over the years we have designed increasingly technological machinery. The last machine we designed and built is the e-MF-302. This machine represents the updated version of the previous MF-301 and MF-302. Entirely electric, it brings with it the most advanced automation, 4.0 interconnection and a series of advantages. Compared to the previous ones, in fact, it is more performing and more respectful towards the environment, as it allows greater energy savings compared to other machines. Furthermore, it works extremely silently, making the working environment more comfortable, and the mirror-polished stainless steel that covers the machine and the glass guards are extremely easy to clean.

The advantages of automated filling of mascara bottles are numerous. For example, as regards the process of loading the bottle into the machine, the robotic unit makes it possible to avoid having to re-equip the station when the formats change, reducing the intervention of the technicians to the bare minimum.

Our e-MF-302 is currently one of the top of the range models on the market. The options with which it can be customized make it adaptable to every production need.

If you want more information about our machines do not hesitate to contact us.

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