IDM Automation: Essential and Sustainable Innovation

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We are happy to be a sponsor of Kosmetica 2024, promoting an essential approach, focused on what is truly essential to create effective, pleasant and safe cosmetic products. The company offers customized solutions that reduce water use and energy consumption throughout the production process, up to packaging. IDM Automation rejects over-packaging, preferring minimalist and eco-friendly packaging. The use of artificial intelligence and the digitalisation of production processes optimize the production chain, improving efficiency and reducing waste. Participating in Kosmetica 2024 represents an important networking opportunity with industry experts, encouraging new collaborations and discussions on future trends in the cosmetics sector.

In the beauty world, essentiality means going back to the essentials, reducing the use of unnecessary ingredients and focusing on pure and effective formulations. This approach not only improves product quality but also reduces environmental impact. Using fewer resources and adopting sustainable production practices are key to meeting growing consumer demand for ethical and responsible products. IDM Automation supports these practices through advanced technological solutions that facilitate cleaner, more sustainable production.

Examples of Essential and Sustainable Practices

  1. Full Electric Machines: Using electric rather than hydraulic machinery to reduce energy consumption and emissions.
  2. Biodegradable packaging: Implementation of packaging materials that degrade naturally, reducing waste.
  3. On-Demand Production: Reduction of waste by producing only the necessary quantity of product, minimizing unused stocks.
  4. Logistics optimization: Efficient shipment planning to reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

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