Process automation in Pharma

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Automation, in the assembly processes of the different parts that make up syringes and insulin pens, plays an increasingly important role. Increasingly advanced automation in terms of speed and production quality is the basis of the most modern assembly plants.

IDM Automation, as well as in the cosmetic and food sectors, is able to offer customized solutions and cutting-edge systems that allow the optimization of production processes even in the pharmaceutical sector.


IDM Automation technology

IDM Automation has automated the assembly, loading and unloading process of syringe bodies, caps and other components, also integrating existing systems, with handling activities carried out in a totally automatic manner. In detail, IDM Automation has automated the loading operations of the insulin pen bodies by creating a system that integrates two robots; an anthropomorphic robot takes care of picking up the bodies from the trays and loading them onto an indexed shuttle transport system, a second robot, Scara, picks up the single body and transfers it to the machine where it will be completed with the assembly of further components. A system for unstacking full trays and subsequent re-stacking of empty trays completes the operational unit. Obviously this process can be adapted based on specific customer requests: IDM Automation technology allows the system described to process the quantity of syringe bodies required by the assembly plant itself.

The advantages of automation

If in sectors such as the pharmaceutical one automation has almost completely replaced manual activities in assembly, this certainly cannot be said for various other sectors. Automation applied to the loading, unloading and assembly processes allows various benefits to be obtained starting from the reduction of tiring work for operators in order to concentrate their activities in areas with greater added value, i.e. those where manual skills constitute a real advantage competitive. The automation of the processes mentioned above also leads to greater precision results and the elimination of the subjectivity implicit in human activity. All of this is, obviously, Industry 4.0 compliant; this therefore allows the company to collect and manage data and production batches and allows IDM Automation to have full management and control of the plant remotely, upon authorization from the customer. 

For more information on our technologies and machinery, contact us or visit our website!

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