Cosmetics: what to expect from Cosmoprof 2022

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Cosmoprof 2022: an opportunity for growth and networking 

Cosmoprof is the trade fair event par excellence for the manufacturing industry cosmetics and professional beauty. Cosmoprof 2022 it allows you to combine business opportunities with training opportunities and is an excellent opportunity to get to know the operators in the sector, to keep up to date on the latest trends and attend practical demonstrations on the functioning of innovative products, such as our systems, designed by IDM Automation. 

It is an unmissable event for all companies that want to expand your network, find partners to collaborate, and discover the latest trends. 

Market trends according to experts 

According to Cosmetica Italia experts, in the coming years the cosmetics sector will be characterized by a growing digitalisation of activities and an increase in attention towards sustainability of the products and production chain.  

Experts consider investing in one digital strategy the key element to make yourself known to new customers and to promote activities and news. Today, in fact, digital communication is no longer a complementary activity, but has become the core of the relationship with users. 

A sustainable management of its activities, of the products offered and the development of methods and tools aimed at improving their environmental performance are undoubtedly the other growing trend of recent years. Although adopting a more sustainable approach is considered by many to be a huge investment, over time it turns into an important resource. 

The future according to IDM Automation 

Cosmoprof is undoubtedly the most important showcase for the cosmetics sector. Here, in fact, you can meet the most important companies from all over the world. IDM Automation, as it has been for more than 10 years now, will be present with its automated systems, with some new features and focusing increasingly on what we believe to be among the main strengths of our company: innovation, automation and sustainability. These three elements, increasingly interconnected with each other, have given rise in recent years to systems that are particularly adaptable to the needs of the market and its changes. 

Automation is certainly closely connected to sustainability today. Our attention is increasingly focused on the development of Full Electric technology and of theIndustry 4.0, already key elements of the IDM Automation strategy. Full Electric technology in particular represents for us the future of automation in a sustainable way.  

Furthermore, its use also offers several immediate advantages. From the reduction of consumption to greater product safety because potential elements of contamination are eliminated, an improvement in production performance up to a quieter operation of the machine itself. Our goal is to apply this technology transversally to all our machines. The future of automation is green. 

Come and visit us at Cosmoprof 2022 from 28 April to 1 May at Pavilion 19, Stand C16PK. You will be able to see our innovative industrial solutions for digital printing and for filling bottles for nail polish, mascara, gloss, creams and foundations. 


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