Automation systems: How to prevent counterfeiting

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Counterfeiting of beauty products is not just one thing ethically incorrect practice, it is also extremely dangerous. The chemical components of some counterfeit beauty products have been analyzed and it has been discovered that they contain arsenic and lead: ingredients that are decidedly harmful to health, especially if consistently applied to one's skin.  

Find out how this harmful practice can be avoided with our automation systems for the production of cosmetic packaging. 

Why is counterfeiting so widespread in the beauty sector? 

One of the main reasons that pushes some shoppers to purchase counterfeit copies of beauty products is to save money. However, the production of “regular” cosmetic products is subjected to numerous quality controls, in compliance with current regulations. This does not happen for counterfeit products, which are often made in laboratories without any control, both in terms of hygiene standards and the ingredients in the product formula. 

The health consequences are serious and should not be underestimated. Rashes, actual allergic reactions or skin diseases may appear. In short, it is preferable to buy from safe sources that guarantee the quality of the product in question. 

Furthermore, many years ago purchasing a counterfeit product was not so simple. Today, however, the online counterfeiting it is more widespread due to increasing digitalisation. In fact, these products can be found online very easily. 

The effects of counterfeiting on brands 

Some research has shown that many consumers have purchased over the course of their lives fake cosmetics and counterfeit products in general without their knowledge, believing that they were original products. This mainly happens when the consumer buys online, thinking of receiving the original product. The result is that many times the brand is held responsible by consumers, since according to them it should take care of protecting them from this risk. 

Counterfeiting certainly does not have a positive effect on brand image. This is why it is important to raise consumer awareness of this dynamic and the risks they incur when purchasing products counterfeit cosmetics. 

How automation systems can solve this problem 

In this sense, theautomation of machinery in the cosmetics sector, and not just cosmetics, allows brands to have greater control over internal production, allowing them to overcome this problem. 

In fact, packaging also plays an important, if not fundamental, role in the success of the cosmetic. Correct packaging prevents product deterioration. 

Furthermore, well-made packaging with solid and resistant materials, thanks to the help of automation systems, allows us to avoid any breakages or damage and contamination to the product. As a result, the health of the consumer is safe, as well as that of the employees. On the contrary, often i fake cosmetics have poor packaging made with non-durable materials. 

Another common aspect of counterfeiting involves cosmetic labels. The original ones are replaced by very similar labels indicating the same ingredients, even if in reality the cosmetics are counterfeit. 

Our automation systems, which allow you to directly laser engrave the product packaging, or print it digitally represent a valid solution to this problem. 

If you want to know more about our industrial production and filling plants, contact us now or visit our site 

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